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Contact Support

If you discover problems or have questions about OpenTalk: we help!


Please have first a look at our online documentation, maybe you will find an answer there:


You can contact our support via the web form:

or directly via email:


Try to explain your problem or question as precise as possible so we can help you without a lot of follow-up questions.

  • It helps to explain step by step what was done
  • Screenshots or videos help, especially if it is not that easy to reproduce
  • Frequency: does it happen always, sometimes or rarely
  • Can you reproduce the problem?
  • If possible test with different user/browser and mention the results

OTaas/locale onstallation

OTaaS - "OpenTalk as a Service" refers to the platform from OpenTalk that is reachable at:

A local installation is usually at the premise of the customer and is maintained by them. The differentiation is important because in mose cases we don't have access to local installations and we need other data to help.


  • Severity: 1,2,3,4, in a nutshell:
    • 1 - very high: all users are affected
    • 2 - high: a lot
    • 3 - normal: a few, single users
    • 4 - low: feature requests, improvements, minor issues
  • Software: browser like Chrome/Edge/Firefox/Safari, or a plugin to use with OpenTalk, like Outlook integration
  • Software Version:
  • Operating system: like Linux/Windows/MacOS/Android/iOS
  • OpenTalk URL: where it happens, like local installation or
  • Date/Time/Timezone: always needed to OTaaS problems, please be precise. Timezone only needed when outside of Germany
  • OpenTalk Version: only needed for local installations
  • Problem description: see Content
  • Expectation: short explanation what is expected
  • Attachments:
    • log files (local installation, only from administrators not users)
    • videos
    • pictures/screenshots
    • maybe browser data: Browser Console

If something is missing or you are not sure how to provide the information: try to provide as much as possible, if support needs more they will ask.


A simple template for copy and paste for your message to the support team:

Software Version:
Operating system:
OpenTalk URL:
OpenTalk Version:
Problem description: